RIVA Illustrations Agency for Science Research & Innovation through Visual Arts
RIVA Illustrations is a unique agency that specialises in creating high-quality comics, illustrations, and animations that are aimed at communicating complex scientific concepts to a wider audience.
With our singular combination of artistic talent and scientific knowledge, RIVA Illustrations is leading the way in science communication.
Since the dawn of time, we humans have been using images to communicate and understand things.
Discover why visual storytelling for science outreach and public engagement is the mission of RIVA Illustrations
Our Services of Visual Artworks
We are specialised in animations, comics, and illustrations, offering a diverse range of visual storytelling solutions. Our expertise in these mediums allows us to create engaging and accessible content for a variety of scientific topics and effectively communicate complex ideas to the different audiences.
The RIVA Illustrations guarantees
We work closely with researchers to ensure that the final product meets the exact needs of the project.
Scientific research can be difficult to understand: we make information accessible and visually engaging.
Our experience and network of international artists is what sets us apart and makes our work excellent.
We ensure that every piece they create is not only visually stunning, but also accurate and scientifically sound.
Discover our latest news and insights. RIVA Illustrations’ news section features industry updates, project highlights, and behind-the-scenes looks at our work.

L’URFIST de Bordeaux, dans le cadre de son projet ECODOC et le Centre Émile Durkheim organisent une journée d’étude intitulée « Sciences en bulles ». Au centre Émile Durkheim, laboratoire CNRS bordelais regroupant des chercheurs et enseignants-chercheurs en sociologie et en science politique, l’atelier « C’est pas très académique ! » initie depuis 3 ans réflexions et expériences autour […]

Fiammetta Ghedini va accompagner avec des dessins en live la Journée 2023 Sciences & Media. Crise sanitaire, réchauffement climatique, crise de l’énergie… Rarement les scientifiques ont autant été sollicités par les politiques, rarement les politiques ont eu autant besoin des scientifiques et rarement les journalistes – scientifiques en particulier – ont été autant exposés. Journée […]
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