Our services

Scientific Animations

Animations captivate and simplify complex scientific concepts, making them engaging, visually appealing, and easily understandable for effective science communication.

Our Projects

Why animations ?

Animations are a powerful tool for science communication as they bring scientific concepts to life, visually illustrating complex processes and phenomena in an engaging and easily understandable manner, enhancing comprehension and fostering a deeper connection with the audience.

Some case studies : 

VascAgeNet: Animated Vascular Ageing VascAgeNet for clinicians
VascAgeNet: Animated Vascular Ageing VascAgeNet
OUPOCO: Automated Poetry Animation OUPOCO
The Climate in our Hands: animation for the OCE Nom du client Lorem ipsum dolor

Learn more about animations

Why use animations to communicate science ?

Animations are a powerful tool for science communication as they can visually depict dynamic processes, intricate concepts, and abstract phenomena, helping to simplify complex ideas, engage audiences, and enhance understanding and retention of scientific information.

How do we work to animations for you?

We work collaboratively to create animations that effectively communicate scientific concepts.

We start by understanding your objectives and target audience, then conduct thorough research to ensure accuracy.
We then develops visual concepts, moodboards, and animatics, and refines them based on your feedback.

With our expertise in animation techniques, we bring the visuals to life, incorporating movement, effects, and sound.

Throughout the process, we will maintain open communication and collaboration, delivering high-quality animations that engage and educate viewers about scientific topics.