Visualizing Climate Challenges: Wordless Comics on Migration and Adaptation
RIVA Illustration has produced four wordless comics to visually represent the findings of the HABITABLE project.
HABITABLE is an EU-funded initiative aimed at deepening our understanding of the complex relationship between climate change, migration, and displacement—both today and in the future.
The four comics depict real-life situations in Ghana (by Till Lukat), Ethiopia (by Francesca Protopapa), Thailand and Kenya (by Sandrine Martin), illustrating the challenges faced by local populations who rely on agriculture for their livelihoods. They also highlight potential solutions identified by HABITABLE’s local research teams working on the ground, showcasing their findings and proposed adaptations to climate-related issues.
These comics serve both as a tool for knowledge dissemination and as a potential guide for affected communities, offering insights into sustainable responses to climate change.
HABITABLE is an EU-funded project aiming to significantly advance our understanding of the current interlinkages between climate change impacts, migration and displacement patterns, and to better anticipate their future evolution.
Bringing together 22 partners from 18 countries, the project will run for 4 years (2020-2024).
HABITABLE is centered around the notion of habitability and aims to formulate a broader and interdisciplinary conceptualization of the concept of social tipping points as an innovative way to analyze how environmental disruptions can potentially trigger major social changes.
HABITABLE is the largest research project on climate change and migration to have ever been funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program.
Till was born on Valentines Day 1991 in Berlin, Germany. Since then he spent a lot of time drawing comics and studied first at the University of Arts in Berlin, then at the University of the West of England in Bristol. He is the author of 4 books which have been translated into a number of different languages. My first two books Tuff Ladies: 24 Remarkable Women of History and Dur*e*s à cuire present the lives of 110 interesting historical figures whilst his second book “Something in the Water” is a scientific adventure story that he wrote and drew for ERC Comics. The story deals with crystallography and the origins of life. His fourth book is a coming of age story capturing the everyday life of a German teenager. He won the first prize at the Ligatura Pitching and the second prize at the Fumetto Comics competition.