MOZAÏKA by IPSL: extreme weather events and climate change
MOZAÏKA by IPSL: extreme weather events and climate change
The Institute Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL) was created in 1991 by Gérard Mégie and some of his colleagues to coordinate research efforts in the natural climate sciences in Île-de-France, so that major environmental challenges might be better addressed together than by individual laboratories on their own.
Fiammetta Ghedini
Fiammetta Ghedini is the co-founder or RIVA Illustrations. After a PhD in cognitive sciences (2011) she has been editorial coordinator of the EU project ERCcOMICS (2015-2019). She has been working as an artist for RIVA since 2019, producing illustrations and comics. Since 2022, she is now also working as an author of a scientific comic book for the French publishing house Dargaud.